With the increasing skill of our NICUs in saving extremely premature babies and the capability of rescuing children with acute illnesses and injuries in our PICUs, children with special healthcare needs are being discharged from tertiary centers and returning to their home communities.
If you are charged with administering the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you probably find it difficult to effectively monitor intermittent leave.
This is a three-part series on using financial data to demonstrate the value of occupational health programs. This month, we show you how to link programs to the top health care cost drivers at your workplace.
After a countywide smoking ban was implemented in Indiana's Monroe County, hospital admissions for heart attacks dropped 70% for non-smokers, but not for smokers, according to a new study.
Make sure you know the measles immune status of your employees—and have ready access to the information. That is the message to employee health professionals contained in a recent public health advisory from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
To prevent transmission of measles in healthcare settings, airborne infection control precautions (available at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/gl_isolation.html) should be followed stringently.
Education alone will not boost your influenza vaccination rates, but a dogged campaign that includes declination statements can produce higher rates.